Victoria Secret, Sears, J.C. Penny - Doing Social Media
Is this really related to the nature of the medium? or more related to the way it has been used and set up? " According to David Schatsky, President of JupiterResearch, “Retailers experimenting with Web 2.0 experiences will largely find benefit from them in the form of branding and awareness building rather than direct sales as social media has shown little direct impact on actual online retail sales.”"
PR Squared: More on the Menace of Marketing Measurement
Right on the spot! "The bigger challenges relate to the time; the expense; the lack of agreed-to approaches and relevant metrics (as in “what’s relevant?”); and, the potential need to collaborate at both a strategy and a systems-level with external agencies"
CMOs Not Ready to Embrace Social?
This article first called my attention becasue it seemed to contradict what I have seen in other studies; however once you drill down on what it shows (i.e. 52% interested in Internet forums, 37% interested in Blogs) it seems to me is more the Author's interpretation of the data.. and that world is still headed the right direction :)
Motrin's way to show Barnum was wrong
Motrin works hard to show Barnum's maxim ("There is not cuch thing as bad publicity") is not quite true..
Dell's VP of Communities and conversations Interview
Q: "Is social Media Impacting your Bottom Line?"A: "Social Media is Becoming part of Who we Are"Indeed yet to be cracked...
Keep an eye on this one: C&T 2009 Conference on Communities and Technologies: Home
International Conference on Communities and Technologies.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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