Struggling with writers block lately; let's try a different format.. nuggets from here & there..
- From the Social CRM Summit Tweets: In customer's mind, the experience *is* the company.
- On the space of How to use Social Media; Story Telling: (paraphrasing) "If your messaging and your keywords are misaligned.. that means your end users see your company differently that you do.." (if that is not a 'let's check this more closely" sign I don't know what is)
- I have pointed out many times the Social phenomena is really technology eliminating friction, aggregating & accelerating behaviors that are deeply embedded in our souls; check this article about Social Moms if you need any proof.
- The multiple facets and angles on the Social Media ROI can be found (looking hard) in this post by Robin Hamman; a snippet:
"it’s possible to do even more by integrating social tools into core business processes: invite audiences and consumers to co-create innovative product and service offerings, bounce ideas off them, let them get their hands on and provide early feedback about new products, involve them in marketing, encourage them to assist other customers – essentially, involve them in a range of activities which have a known cost, but also a measurable ROI, to your business."
- We spend more and more time in Social Media.. we need to get more out of it... where is my digital music device programmed by those that I designate (implicitly) as friends whose music taste I like? where is my ability to indicate I am in the market for a car and receive information Posted, Twitted, Shared by the friends I have (implicitly) designated as people I trust on car matter?
- According to Gartner: "Through 2015, only 25 percent of enterprises will routinely utilize social network analysis to improve performance and productivity." this sounds like having a proven & tested vaccine and choosing not to use it.. we need to work on eliminating the blocks and bring forward the benefits of these methodologies.
What do you think?
Filiberto Selvas
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